This is my first post in hugo!
It took me a couple of weeks learning from this resource, and a really nice and well laid-out theme that allowed me to replicate most of what I did in my Jekyll blog.
I found Hugo to be a really pleasant static-site generator to learn and use. The Hugo binary is much easier to install compared to the ruby tools and dependencies that I have to install to set-up Jekyll.
But one of the main reasons why I decided to switch to Hugo was because of the tools available to use R Markdown with Hugo. There is blogdown and hugodown that helps to tie what I do in my Statistics work, which is mostly done in R, to this blog.
Not only that, I also plan to include these features in the coming days:
- Publishing Jupyter Notebooks as posts in the blog
- using KaTeX in some form to recap some of the mathematical foundations of my Stats course
- Including rich content using shortcodes (think embedded YouTube videos!)
- RSS (It might already be working)
- Search-Engine Optimizations
- Search (perhaps users can just Ctrl + F on the archives page for now)
I’m looking forward to a blog that is going to be filled with more of what I do on a weekly basis rather than just my early Linux-only content!