BTRFS. B-tree FS. Butter FS. I personally call it B-tree FS. Not many Linux Distros come with BTRFS by default, but many provide it as an option in the installer. Personally, I found it to be scary at first, opting to use LVM (logical volume manager) initially. But with time I realised that the things I tried to do to ensure redundancy of data was better achieved with BTRFS.

Hierarchy and Subvolumes

If you use other filesystems, you would probably set up your filesystem with the following hierarchy:

boot -> FAT32 / 500MB
swap -> linux-swap / size of RAM
root -> ext4 / 20GB
home -> ext4 / rest of your disk

However, in my BTRFS system, it looks like:

boot -> FAT32 / 500MB
BTRFS partition -> rest of the disk 
    root -> @root subvolume 
    home -> @home subvolume

This might look very confusing. Firstly, where is the swap? I personally prefer alternatives to having a swap-partition, be it swap-files or zram. In BTRFS, creating a disk-based swap is slightly more complicated. We’ll touch on this towards the end of the article. Secondly, why do I not need to set the size of the root and home partitions in BTRFS? This is your first encounter with subvolumes: they are not partitions. You can think of them more like directories than traditional partitions. This means that they dynamically scale with the size of the files in them. They can expand and shrink without ruining and corrupting your disk.

How to set up a BTRFS disk

Firstly, we have to wipe your disk to install a new GPT partition layout.

I assume that you are using a disk named /dev/sda in your lsblk.

We will run fdisk. Run fdisk by running fdisk in your terminal with superuser.


  • p: print current disk info
  • g: create new GPT table
  • n: create new partition
  • t: set partition type (this is not setting the filesystem)
  • L: list partition type

For the following steps, just key in the letters as shown.

  1. create new table
  • g
  1. create boot partition
  • n
  • press enter without keying anything for part number and first sector
  • for Last Sector: +500M
  • t: 1
  1. create linux filesystem partition
  • follow defaults by pressing enter all the way
  • t: 20 - reminder: L to list partition types
  1. write changes to disk
  • w - note: this is irreversible

Creating filesystems for your partitions

lsblk # verify partition layout
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
mkfs.btrfs -R free-space-tree -m dup -L <label-name> /dev/sda2

some options listed here for mkfs.btrfs are:

  • R : set cache-type. free-space-tree, or space_cache=v2, is a much faster and scalable option compared to the default v1
  • m : metadata options. single, raid, dup. I used dup for duplicate so that there is on disk redundancy for metadata. More on this later.
  • L : label for BTRFS partition. You can give this anything. I usually name this after the distro that I install the system on, or the name of the SSD / HDD model or manufacturer.

Create and mount BTRFS subvolumes

I will now demonstrate how to create BTRFS subvolumes. You might need to run mount and btrfs with superuser.

// mount the BTRFS partition on /mnt 
mount -o /dev/sda2 /mnt
cd /mnt

// create the subvolumes 
btrfs subvolume create demo

// let us unmount to remount the individual subvolume
cd /
umount /mnt

// mount the new subvolume "demo"
mount -o noatime,compress=zstd:2,space_cache=v2,subvol=demo /dev/sda2 /mnt
cd /mnt

What have I done here? I mounted the BTRFS partition at /mnt, created a subvolume named “demo”, and remounted “demo” at /mnt.

Note that only the subvolume “demo” is mounted. That means that we can only access the files in the “demo” subvolume. We can treat “demo” as a fully contained “partition” in itself.

This is how we can create “root” and “home” subvolumes (just replace the above demo with “root” and “home”) and mount them at the mountpoints “/” for root and “/home” for home respectively.

Mount options for BTRFS

So far, we have only demonstrated the creation of BTRFS subvolumes that appear as if they are dynamic partitions. The real magic lies in the options we give to /etc/fstab to mount them on system boot.

UUID=<UUID> /mountpoint btrfs noatime,compress=zstd:2,ssd,space_cache=v2,subvol=/subvol	0 0

Note that we can get UUID using “lsblk -o PATH,UUID”

What are the options listed here?

  • noatime: no atime updates for each file. BTRFS incurs performance penalty with frequent atime updates due to its CoW (copy-on-write) nature.
  • compress: set compression algorithm and level of compression. zstd:2 has the fastest mix of write and read speeds. zstd:3 is the default and is fine. Higher numbers have better compression ratios at the cost of speed.
    • Refer to here for the benchmarks of different zstd levels and similar compression algorithms.
    • as of the time of writing, there is no way to set “fast” levels for ZSTD in fstab options (source)
  • space_cache=v2 : a scalable free space cache that uses trees. v1 slows down if disk is bigger than 1TB
  • ssd: tells btrfs we are using SSD. omit this if you use HDD.

BTRFS features

In the mount options, I have covered the copy-on-write and compression features of BTRFS. These are some of the amazing features of BTRFS that makes it a modern filesystem that puts it ahead of other filesystems with the exception of ZFS.

Copy-on-write, or CoW, is a feature where copy is deferred until the the file is modified. A copy operation is O(1) time, regardless of the size. That means that if I were to copy the whole subvolume to a new subvolume (this is called snapshotting), it is an O(1) operation. Let that sit in for while.

And speaking of snapshots, you can create read-only snapshots of a live-running system, allowing you to backup your computer while it is running. And if your system fails in the future, or a file is lost, you can simply restore it by booting a live disk, mounting a disk and doing just 2 move operations: mv root broken_root and mv snapshot root, then setting the restored root to read and write and setting the broken root to read-only. Now you have a bootable system that is identical to the moment when you snapshotted it. I will cover this in future post on BTRFS snapshots.

Another great feature of snapshots is that you can send them over a unix pipe, and yes, that includes SSH. So you can remotely snapshot your system and send the files over the internet to a VPS to store your backups. But sending whole disks that could be hundreds of gigabytes over the network each time is not feasible, hence there is a function to perform an incremental send, that is, sending only the changes of a new snapshot from an older one to build the new snapshot on the receiving using the existing older snapshot as a base. This is a great feature that makes backups a breeze and is relatively lighter on network usage, amounting to only multiple gigabytes for a week of changes. (for some gigabit internet is not available, but I believe a LAN with another local machine should be able to achieve hundred megabit speeds with only a couple of ethernet cables and a relatively modern WiFi router)

Compression in BTRFS, or otherwise known as “transparent compression” is just lossless compression, aka compression that you benefit from without noticing its ill-effects (artifacting, data-loss). The obvious benefits of compression is reduced disk space usage. But the greater benefit of file-system compression is I/O speed increases. It is sometimes faster to compress data, send the compressed data through the bottlenecked I/O channels, and decompress the data on the other side. Here, we utilize the fact that CPUs can compress and decompress data much faster than the actual I/O transfer speed to sacrifice some CPU cycles to accelerate I/O.

In BTRFS, not only is data stored, but metadata is stored alongside data. Every data has a checksum associated with it, and this checksum is stored in the metadata. The metadata is important as it is the means to check for data corruption AND also correct data corruption. Why would there be a need for data correction? Haven’t people been using their computers fine without random data suddenly disappearing from them, even in the land of Windows? Read this article. Random file corruptions occur because of bit-rot, and without checksumming and filesystem-based error-correction, you might lose precious files to the evil stochastic processes that randomly choose which bits to flip. With BTRFS and the btrfs scrub operation, your files will remain the same for all time, until your disk fails…

BTRFS quirks

These come mainly from its CoW feature. Remember, CoW means that a copy is deferred until the file is modified. Why doesn’t BTRFS just modify the file in place? Why keep the old file and write a new file with the modifications? Doesn’t that incur greater disk usage?

Yes. CoW is not magic. Our O(1) copy is possible because files are never modified in-place. Our files will always be available by just pointing to it, thus the new snapshot “copy” simply points back to the unchanged files. Every modification operation is simply writing a new file at a new block.

This is the reason why BTRFS subvolumes are always mounted with “noatime” option. We want to minimize unnecessary file modifications as much as possible, because each modificaiton will trigger a disk-write operation of the whole file. This incurs an I/O penalty, but this would be ok if the disk is used without another BTRFS feature called snapshots because older blocks would simply be marked as discarded after modification, which in an SSDs case would be trim-ed in O(1) time. (Note that SSDs also do not modify data in place, but writing new data to fresh blocks and discarding old blocks, thus BTRFS is very suited for the architecture of SSDs) The issue lies in using BTRFS with snapshots with frequent file modifications. A simple recursive atime update through all directories will trigger a new write on all the updated files without deleting the old date.

Disk slow-down will happen in the event of frequent file modifications. Thus directories or files with frequent modifications like a virtual machine qcow2 file or a database directory will need to have CoW disabled via sudo chattr +C file OR sudo chattr -R +C dir. Fortunately, through some magic, it is possible to snapshot subvolumes with CoW disabled (by momentarily enabling CoW during the moment of snapshoting to preserve old blocks).

Though BTRFS employs checksumming and utilizes metadata to recover corrupted data, what happens when the metadata itself is corrupted? In the event that the metadata is corrupted, perfectly fine data is flagged as corrupted with no option to tell whether the data is indeed corrupted or the option to restore the data. Therefore it is important to have redundancy for the metadata.

Earlier, the BTRFS partition was created with the “-m dup” option. This creates a BTRFS partition with duplicate metadata, thus ensuring redundancy even for the metadata. Now it will take the corruption of 2 duplicate checksums on different parts of the disk to totally corrupt a data. That’s not going to happen unless your entire disk is failing.

Is it worth it?

BTRFS definitely has its fair share of quirks, but even the best filesystem, ZFS, has its cons when compared to BTRFS. For a single disk user, BTRFS is arguably as good as it gets. Now that you have a disk set-up with BTRFs, you can now follow my other guides tagged with “BTRFS” to unlock even more powerful functionality.